Gift the Time Traveling Coffee Mug with a Disappearing Dr. Who Tardis

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Watch the police box disappear from earth and journey through the time continuum of space with the Disappearing Tardis Mug!

Whether you’re a fan of Dr. Who, or not (and you all should enjoy the time traveling Brit, as his comedy and courage are unparalleled), this coffee mug is the gift that keeps giving.

With every pouring of a liquid hot brew, the Tardis sitting on a typical English street begins to smoke and disappear . . .

This particular English police box is not a place for citizens to run for cover to phone Scotland Yard, but rather the age-old vessel of the Time Lord Dr. Who and is in reality a living – and often arguable as far as the doctor is concerned – time machine.

As the aroma of coffee erupts in the air, the previously empty side of the mug – containing only stars and space – will magically host the Time Lord’s Tardis speeding through the tunnel of time and space; the police box will be completely gone on the suburban street and backdrop of the other side.

Does this mug really showcase the disappearing of the time machine from earth to an unknown time in space? Yes, it does!

For less than thirteen bucks, the wide rimmed mug provides ample room for delicious brews in a sturdy porcelain setting and as the coffee within disappears and reappears, so too will the Tardis leave and show up in England or the wide reaches of space.

Filed Under: Homegoods

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