21st Century Home Planetarium

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Admit it, you loved staring up at the stars when you were a kid and still remember the first constellation you ever learned to identify. Unfortunately, all grown up and living in cities, it’s gotten harder and harder to get your stargazing on without driving for miles to escape the urban glow. The 21st century solution? Bring the stars home to you.

Segatoys has improved on their much loved home planetarium by offering the high-quality HomeStar Pro 21st Century Home Planetarium. In a fully dark environment (what, you don’t have black curtains?), take the time to kick back and enjoy the bright lights of our solar system, and maybe even catch a shooting star or two.

Featuring high brightness white LEDs, the included Full Moon sidereal plates rotate in slow motion with an adjustment ring near the lens for perfectly sharp imaging. The user manual is in Japanese, but assembly in use is fully intuitive — if you were able to fit the square block in the square hole when you were younger, you’ll be able to figure this one out.

Available for $149 at Amazon.

Filed Under: Toys

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