The mix tape is making a comeback… sort of.
Though the term is widely familiar, there’s certainly a whole walking segment of people born late in the 80s that may not appreciate the history of the mix tape, having grown up with CDs/digital audio files and living without boxes full of old loved tapes crammed with music from friends that serve as a soundtrack to your best memories. And it wasn’t just the music that made the tape, it was the hours spent creating cover designs that really nailed home the theme of the mix that you probably spent hours carefully selecting.
It’s been a dead craft for awhile, but maybe now some of the art of the mix tape is making a return.
The folks over at Suck UK are set to start selling their own mix tape kit starting in September, a simple gray case with a folding track listing liner and a small USB flash disk where once a reel-to-reel cassette sat.
It’s cute, it’s clever, it’s nostalgic and would make for a great gift for any audiophile who still drives a car with a tape deck and has a collection of records carefully stacked in their living room.