Janken the Robot Plays Rock-Paper-Scissors and Never Loses!

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The University of Tokyo is working on enhancing high-speed human-robot cooperation capabilities, and so they have given us Janken, the robot that has yet to lose a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors.


The Ishikawa Oku Lab at the school in Japan has built a hand-gesturing champion to usher in a new age of robotics.

And nothing is safe!

If school children ages four to thirty can no longer expect a fairly administered Rock-Paper-Scissors game to choose who gets the ball during a basketball hoops game, then how will society continue to prevent its imminent collapse as the robot apocalypse crashed sown upon all of us?

The problem lies with the researchers.

You see, it would seem that getting robots to interact with humans is not nearly as fun as making them downright better than we will ever be at numerous activities and games.

The lab’s site sums up the amazing feat that Janken performs routinely:

Recognition of human hand can be performed at 1ms with a high-speed vision, and the position and the shape of the human hand are recognized. The wrist joint angle of the robot hand is controlled based on the position of the human hand. The vision recognizes one of rock, paper and scissors based on the shape of the human hand. After that, the robot hand plays one of rock, paper and scissors so as to beat the human being in 1ms. 

Janken has a 100% success rate that comes from its ability to recognize which shape your hand is going to take in a single millisecond.

So not only do these new bots approach artificial intelligence, by design, but they’re taught to cheat too! How human.

[via Techland]

Filed Under: Robotics

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