Search Results for "doz"

Replug – Save Your Jacks

Show of hands — who’s been screwed by a cord attached to your computer or mobile device getting snared in something and having the whole heap come tumbling down to the floor? Much to my annoyance, I bought my PowerBook just weeks before they introduced the Magsafe power adapter, the magnetically attached power cord that…

Review: Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ8

Meet the little camera with a big zoom. We’ve had the chance to play with the Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ8 this month and had fun putting it to the test around town (photo slideshow below). With 12x optical zoom, this 7.2 megapixel camera is still compact enough to tuck neatly into your bag and hit the…

Perfectly Blended Mug… Down to the Last Drop

I did the math this morning. Assuming at the end of a good cup of coffee, when you get down to the bottom to find a sickly sweet sludge of settled remains, you toss roughly a tablespoon of wasted java down the drain, AND assuming you have a few cups during your daily routine, that…

The New Luna iPod Clock/Dock

iPod docks are a dime a dozen so I really do try and post only what I consider the best. The new Luna from XtremeMac is more than just an alarm clock dock. It is an exceptional piece of artistic design that truly is functional. With two full range speakers driven by a powerful amplifier…