Search Results for "doz"

VMX Project: Visual Artificial Intelligence for the Masses

Imagine going into the kitchen at six in the morning, on a bleary Monday, and plodding heavy steps over to your trusty coffeemaker and having the Keurig see you enter its line of sight, recognize you, and ask, “Would you like coffee, Dave?” “Yes, damn it, I’m standing in front of you because I want…

The Re-Timer: You’ll Look Ridiculous, But Well Rested

Sleep is one of the most fundamental parts of human life. As most mattress salesmen will remind you, we spend over a third of our lives in an unconscious, resting state. And regardless if we have the latest Tempur-Pedic that somehow magically allows us to doze off peacefully while somebody is jumping on the bed…

Control the Lights With Your Smart Phone: LiFX Reinvents the Light Bulb

Make your light switches literally green with envy with LiFX, the amazing new Wi-Fi enabled, multi-color, energy efficient LED light bulb that you control simply with your iPhone or Android. This amazing LiFX comes from prolific Aussie developer and inventor Phil Bosua who’s new light bulb has just surpassed 1.3 million dollars in funding on Kickstarter. After…

Seven Unique iPhone Cases that are Sure to Stand Out in a Crowd

I don’t typically take the time to write about new iPhone cases because, they rarely seem worth talking about and when the do, how much is there to really say about one new case? When a dozen new designs flew by my radar this week, I tried to ignore them but, for whatever reason, you…

The Robot Splitter Offers a New Twist on an Old Concept

A few days before Christmas, I found myself scrambling to find a last-minute stocking stuffer for my wife.  Looking for something geeky, inexpensive, and practical I stumbled across the Robot Headphone Splitter on Amazon and fell in love with it instantly.  By marrying (adorable) form with simple function, the Robot Splitter allows two people to…

Drink with the President: 2012 Barack Obama Beer Coaster Set

President Obama tweeted on the coveted drink holders: “Our new #Obama2012 coasters let you have drinks with President Obama and #VP Biden anytime you want”. Wait a second . . . what? There is a cheap way to drink with the President? Yes, this does require some imagination, and the new collectible is now available,…

Robotic Prison Guards Let Loose in South Korea as 2012 Spells Doom

As of this week, robotic prison warden automatons have been okay-ed to become prison guard staff in South Korean facilities in 2012. This is not a joke, or at least not entirely. The New Year will bring with it many “Rapture” and “end of days” conspiracy theories, many Mayan calendars, several dozen horrible movies, and…

Nook Tablet Puts Amazon Under Fire

Two days after the Amazon Fire is due to be released, the Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet will try to beat and outshine the book wielding giant and e-reader extraordinaire at its own game. For just shy of two hundred and fifty smackers, the Nook Tablet can be yours, at least as of the November…

Roku 2 XS Streams Superior TV & Netflix with Angry Birds Included!

Streaming has been revolutionized again! The Roku 2 XS is the newest TV streaming component to hit the shelves this month, and Roku, the original device company for Netflix, has spared no expense. When it comes to TVs and you–the consumer’s–system, folks, small and thin is sexy. Roku has beautifully crafted their newest streaming device…

Family Guy Free

That says it all does it not?  “Family Guy Free” is the App for the cartoon-comedic golden ages! The executives over at Fox must not have taken enough abuse from Seth MacFarlane’s “Family Guy” show on the TV, so they have decided that an all out freely downloadable portable application was the way to finally…

iPAL (Portable Audio Laboratory)

Sure, iPod toys are a dime a dozen these days, but sometimes they’re so obviously practical that it just makes sense to ante up and get another accessory. Like the iPAL, a lovely white and chrome complement to your iPod that’s able to expand your audio on the go without any need for a power…