Pencil Sharpener Robot Walks On Its Own!

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The Bot is coming toward you; it stopped. You poke and prod the Bot with a dully-ended pencil; twist the tip in the heart of its gearbox gut.

The Pencil Sharpener Robot comes alive and walks!

Kikkerland Design has outdone themselves with the ultimate office gadget for the geek in need of sharp pencils at the school or workplace.

The fully functional (if by the Bot functioning you are only talking about walking and sharpening and looking bad-ass, folks) Pencil Sharpener Robot is 4.5 inches tall and invokes all of the lost art of the early twentieth century robot age in its square, technical, and mechanical looking design.

Robbie the Robot would be proud of this Bot!

What desk does not need a pencil sharpener that can only be reached via the secret chest compartment doors of the Bot’s torso? And twisting the pencil within the Bot’s gearing winds it for a walk toward the facilitator! Just keep in mind that the hexagonal shaped pencils wind better than the round shaped ones.

The shavings are stored in the robot’s noggin’ (that is in the bulbously square head, folks), so there is no exhaust being trailed behind the marching soldier.

The Bot’s hands are aptly made to grip writing implements, and perhaps the coolest feature of all here is that the Pencil Sharpening Robot comes with a giant key that can be used to wind him up at any time for a strolling robot desk experience.

Get the Pencil Sharpening Robot at Kikkerland for a little over ten bucks (unless you find the Bot on Amazon for even less samolians).

Filed Under: Office

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