That is right, folks, the Pavlok Fitness Wristband has GPS, tracks your behaviors, and will shock you with up to 340 volts if you do not adhere to your own programmed goals.
I mean … what the fuck? Really?
From Pavlok V2’s site: Change is hard. We’re held back by distractions, other people, and often ourselves. But change isn’t impossible. Choose your daily action, and Pavlok will hold you accountable, ensuring lasting success. Wow!

For all of those who rely on personal trainers, this could save you butt-loads, or boat-loads (pun intended in either case), of money, as the Pavlok acts as your own masochistic drill sergeant.
And like any good drill sergeant the Pavlok induces PAIN!
How much pain you endure is entirely up to you, at least while this motivator remains legal to buy.
How exactly does the Pavlok work?
Well prototypes are available for preorder for about $150 American, and users seem to be able to set up a schedule they wish (emphasis on “wish”) to keep. If you do not go to the gym every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning, the dominatrix in training will give you a jolt in the direction of encouragement.
How shocking!
This little wristlet has the brains to see exactly where you have gone and where you have not, and it will either punish you for not doing you 500 sit-ups, or it will reward you with cash that it has reserved from your own bank account.
Wait a second . . . what did I just write? Yes, the Pavlok can control your assets to reward you for good behavior.
Does anyone else see the comparison between the doggie shock collar and this ingenious disaster of human will power called the Pavlok?