Drive Alert Master, Safer Than No-Doz

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Everybody’s got their tricks for staying awake on long drives — rolling down the windows for cold blasts of air, stopping to do jumping jacks on the side of the road, taking caffeine pills sold by twos in gas stations, etc. But what about an option that doesn’t involve hypothermia, losing time, or dosing up?

Check out the Drive Alert Master — ok, so it’s not exactly the most stylish, but talk about effective. The ergonomic master-blaster clamps behind your ear and lets you set your desired “wake up” angle with a switch.

When you start to fade behind the wheel and your head begins to nod forward, the Drive Alert monitors this movement and triggers a loud beeping sound to wake you up.

If you’re the sort of sleepy driver whose head actually rolls back against the seat when you’re passing out this may not be the right solution for you, but I’d certainly rather deal with some beeping to keep me going on long, dark nights than pills that make you jumpy.

For $26.95 from Amazon, give it a shot, it just may save you from a messy narcoleptic accident.

Filed Under: Wearables

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