See, Speak, Snap Or Treat Your Pets With Petzi Treat Cam

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This in-depth Hands On Review proves out the functionality to see, speak, snap or treat your pets with Petzi Treat Cam from anywhere.


Is that vacation to the wild waterfalls of Jamaica just not enjoyable without getting a lick from the long tongue of your bagel, Millie?

The solution is simple: fire up a Petzi.

The Kickstarter-funded Petzi Treat Cam is a truly interactive treat dispensing machine and friend that ingeniously connects cat, dog and owner.


That’s right, talk to and see your fluffy kitties and peculiar puppies remotely and spy on them around the clock from anywhere, or at least anywhere with active Wi-Fi and smartphone reception.

Gadizmo received a Petzi Treat Cam complete with sample dog biscuits and cat treats, and the lab yielded extraordinary results.

There is a motion sensor in the Petzi that can pick up whenever your pet draws near.

Petzi Treat Cam notifies the owner, as the cute puppy paws and licks the device, and then you can watch from your phone and take videos and pictures, while chatting up your beloved.


The speaker from the Petzi Treat Cam is pretty loud too.

In fact, the combined power of the ‘voice of god’, as we spoke to our pup Millie from many towns away, and the magnitude of the treat-dispensing catapult that hurls high velocity dog biscuits across the kitchen floor absolutely terrified poor Millie.


She, when the Petzi was quiet, did enjoy the treats, but only after cowering in a far corner whenever Mommy tried to sweetly talk to her from the Petzi Treat Cam.

On the other hand, the Petzi, smelling of treats, instantly intrigued the cats, and they jumped aloft in surprise at the firing and then raced after the treats as though they were toy mice. IMG_2922

Really, the result of the talking treat giver, Petzi, is up to the animal.

Owners will love the ability to interact with their four legged family members while away from home and then post lots of SO CUTE I CAN’T STAND THEM pictures and videos taken form Petzi for the social media universe to see.

Once the Petzi is set up, it is easy; just leave it plugged in near a router.

The Petzi Treat Cam App is a bit of a chore to get on and requires you to create a user name and password and choose the Petzi Wi-Fi network on your Android or Apple smartphone (sorry Windows users).

Once the credentials are confirmed, you just need data coverage to access the Petzi App and the Treat Cam.


There is even a social network for pet lovers included in the intuitive program, and filming, speaking, and pressing fire on the treat catapult is as basic as basic does (push a button here and a button there on your screen).

When changing venues for the Petzi Treat Cam or refilling the treats, you simply remove the front panel by pushing on side tabs.


The top loading area for treats is very easy, but if you change lcations for the device, the Wi-Fi network changing requires taking a paper click and inserting it into the reset area; and no, a pen will not reach it.

It should be noted that there is only one user per device and the user cannot reset this; you have to have Petzi override it after contacting them.

So, if you want to wrench this away from your wife’s hands and use it for your own enjoyment, you cannot have two users on one Petzi, though you can share her login . . . if she lets you.

The Petzi Treat Cam is in stores and retailing for about $169.95 from the makers over at Petzila.

Filed Under: Homegoods

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