Geek Weekly: Official Tetris Animated Alarm Clock with Music

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Counting sheep may be a thing of the past now that the Official Tetris Animated Alarm Clock is racking up bedroom points.tetris-animated-alarm-clock

What are the buttons shaped as? Well, Tetriminos of course.

After blasting away at the 8-bit old school Nintendo “Tetris” game’s continually growing walls of geometric shapes, the blurs of progressing Tetriminos often left me reeling in my bed while I attempted to sleep. What if I had put the straight block into gap instead of the crooked corner brick? But alas I had to let go of the game at some point and move on with my life – except I never did.

Tetris is on my iPhone now in all of its 1980’s retro color glory with all of the amazing traditional Russian Tetris theme music. Long story short, the Tetris level 99 still ruins my chances at a good night’s slumber . . . until NOW!

Set the TV screen shaped Tetris Animated Alarm Clock to a waking time and watch as the drips of Tetrissy fun build the numbers before you. Enjoy a deep blue sea of intricate interconnecting quizzes of blocks with a brain shaking power of reminiscence once the alarm goes off and blasts the classic Tetris themed tunes out into the airways calling us back to the waking world ready to play again.

This baby is just shy of thirty bones, people — play on!

Filed Under: Homegoods

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